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Main Dishes

Cafeteria Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Offer Of The Day

French fries
Student Price: 1,70 €

Allergens: None

Additives: Sweeteners

Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Value Court Vegan 2

Chickpeas-vegetable curry with basmati rice
Student Price: 4,62 € (estimated price)

Allergens: None

Additives: None

Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Value Court Veget.

Wok with tofu, side dish of your choice, small side salad
Student Price: 3,90 €

Allergens: Eggs, None, Wheat, None

Additives: None

Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Selection Court

Colorful vegetable spaetzlepanne with turkey strips, small side salad
Student Price: 4,41 € (estimated price)

Allergens: Eggs, Soy, None, Wheat

Additives: Dye, Antioxidants

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Daily Menu Vegan

Vegan ravioli, tomato-vegetable sauce, fresh fruit
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: Wheat

Additives: None

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Daily Menu

Chicken sliced ​​in currymic, fragrance rice, chinese jumps
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: Celery, Soy, None, Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: None

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Value Court Veget.

Creamy pumpkin risotto with pumpkin seeds, leaf salad
Student Price: 3,90 €

Allergens: None, Milk / lactose, None, None

Additives: Dye, Preservative, Antioxidants

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Selection Court 2

Inkfish rings in baking dough, cocktail sauce, potato salad
Student Price: 4,53 € (estimated price)

Allergens: Eggs, Celery, None, Milk / lactose, None, Wheat

Additives: Dye, Antioxidants, Flavor enhancers, None, Sweeteners, Phosphate

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Daily Menu Vegan

Chickpeas-vegetable curry with basmati rice
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: None

Additives: None

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Vegetarian Daily Menu

Vegetable noodle gratin greek species
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: None

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Daily Menu

Caumed pigs cordon bleu, roast sauce, spaetzle, salad of the season
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: Eggs, None, Wheat, None

Additives: None

Cafeteria Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Offer D. Veget Every Day.

1 bowl of fresh crispy fries fries
Student Price: 1,70 €

Allergens: None

Additives: None

Cafeteria Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Offer Of The Day

Pasta homemade, mediterranean with tomato peppera sauce and spring onion, pasta with creamy schinkesahnes sauce with peas
Student Price: 5,20 €

Allergens: Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: None

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Vegetarian Daily Menu

Kaiserschmarren, apple sauce
Student Price: 3,45 €

Allergens: Eggs, Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: Antioxidants

Side Dishes

Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Salad/ Vegetable Buffet 100G

Salad buffet with vegetarian and vegan components
Student Price: 1,10 €

Allergens: Eggs, Soy, None, Milk / lactose, None, Wheat, None

Additives: Dye, Preservative, None, Phosphate

Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Supplements In Front Of Port.

Various side dishes and vegetable side dishes portioned with vegetarian components, vegetable side dishes with vegetarian components
Student Price: 1,05 €

Allergens: None

Additives: Sweeteners

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Salad/ Vegetable Buffet 100G

Salad/vegetable buffet
Student Price: 1,10 €

Allergens: Eggs, Celery, Soy, None, Milk / lactose

Additives: None

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Salad/ Vegetable Buffet 100G

Salad/vegetable/side buffet with vegetarian and vegan components
Student Price: 1,10 €

Allergens: Eggs, Celery, Milk / lactose, None

Additives: Dye, Antioxidants, None

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Supplements Sb

Sidet buffet mm
Student Price: 1,25 €

Allergens: None

Additives: None


Cafeteria und Mensa Prinz Karl

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Dessert Preliminary.

Student Price: 1,05 €

Allergens: Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: Dye, Antioxidants

Mensa Wilhelmstraße

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Dessert Preliminary.

Dessert selection counter
Student Price: 1,05 €

Allergens: Soy, Milk / lactose, Wheat

Additives: Dye, Phosphate

Mensa Morgenstelle

0 Stars ( 0 Ratings )

Dessert Sb

Fresh fruit
Student Price: 0,75 €

Allergens: None

Additives: None